INC Past Presidents & Awards

INC Past Presidents 

2024..................................... Tiffany Tsai (Taiwan)
2023..................................... Tiffany Tsai (Taiwan)
2022..................................... Sandy Josiger (Brazil)
2021..................................... Sandy Josiger (Brazil)
2020..................................... Sandy Josiger (Brazil)
2019..................................... Madelon Gielen (Netherlands)
2018..................................... Madelon Gielen (Netherlands)
2018..................................... Taheera Pinto (USA/India)

2017..................................... Taheera Pinto (USA/India)
2016..................................... Patricia C. de Luna (Brazil) 
2015..................................... Patricia C. de Luna (Brazil) 
2014..................................... Roberta Rafaelli (Brazil) 
2014..................................... Maria Brunet (Brazil) 
2013..................................... Maria Brunet (Brazil) 
2012..................................... Birgit Wingert-Runge (Germany) 
2011..................................... Eliana Marcílio (Brazil) 
2011..................................... Chris Sheridan (USA) 
2010............…………………… Amy Shimota (USA) 
2009............…………………… Anita Porto (Puerto Rico) 
2008 – 2009 …………………… Patricia C. de Luna (Brazil) 
2007 – 2008 …………………… Patricia C. de Luna (Brazil) 
2006 – 2007 …………………… Stephanie Smith (USA) 
2005 – 2006 …………………… Stephanie Smith (USA) 
2004 – 2005 …………………… Kathleen Digirolamo (USA) 
2003 – 2004 …………………… Madeleine de Torsiac (USA) 
2002 – 2003 …………………… Lexie Morandini (UK) 
2001 – 2002 …………………… Lexie Morandini (UK) 
2000 – 2001 …………………… Holly Hill (USA) 
2000 – 2000 …………………… Debbie Cortez (USA) 
1999 – 2000 …………………… Jeanne Joyce (USA) 
1999 – 1999 …………………… Stephanie Pereira (USA) 
1998 – 1999 …………………… Patricia Belanger (USA) 
1997 – 1998 …………………… Judy Rudzewicz (USA) 
1996 – 1997 …………………… Rachel Phelps (UK) 
1995 – 1996 …………………… Karen Notarainni (USA) 
1994 – 1995 …………………… Margie Dumont (USA) 
1993 – 1994 …………………… Lee Carver (USA) 
1992.………………………………Karen Westrate 
1991.............…………………… Pam Hrees 
1990 – 1991 …………………… Carolynn Dick 
1988 – 1989 …………………… Nancy MacIver 
1986 – 1987 …………………… Sally Adams 
1961 – 1981.…………………… (see INC records) 

1982..............……………………. Betsy Romano
1961 – 1981.…………………… (see INC records) 

INC Past Presidents Award 

The “INC Presidents Award” represents INC’s highest honor. This award shall granted to an individual each year, in recognition for exceptional and selfless dedication in welcoming and assisting the international community of São Paulo.  

It was instated in 2011, in lieu of the INC's 50th Anniversary, on behalf of the Organization of Past Presidents, by Past President Patricia C. de Luna (2007-2009) with the participation of INC 2012 President Elect Birgit Wingert-Runge, and INC Past Presidents Eliana Marcílio (2011), Amy Shimota (2010), Lexie Morandini (2001-2003) and Kathleen Digirolamo (2004-2005)  

The INC Presidents Award was instated with the following objectives:  

1. To award exceptional sustained efforts to advance the social objectives of the International Newcomers’ Club of São Paulo;  

2. To acknowledge exceptional and selfless dedication which benefited or enhanced the International Newcomers’ Club of São Paulo membership;  

3. To establish standards of excellence for volunteerism in welcoming and assistance to members of the international community of São Paulo;  

4. To encourage ongoing volunteer efforts with the International Newcomers’ Club of São Paulo.  

Each year, the membership of the International Newcomers’ Club of São Paulo shall be invited to submit nominations for this award, explaining why the individual being nominated is worthy of receiving this award.  

A committee made up of the INC Past Presidents and previous winners of the award shall then review all submissions and shall select the person to be awarded this INC honor. The award shall be presented each year at the INC Annual General Assembly in November. 

INC Past Presidents Award Recipients 


Award was not granted due to the restrictions of the Covid-19 pandemic. 

2018:   Sandy Josiger (Brazil)

Sandy is Brazilian and grew up as an expat. She lives in São Paulo with her husband and son. Sandy met every one of the four criteria established for this award in 2018, going above and beyond in managing the events team, creating interesting activities and proactively seeking volunteers for INC. She takes on quite a bit and she pulls it off every time - and always with a smile. She genuinely had INC members' best interests at heart and her generous actions continually contribute greatly to the continuity of the club. 

2017:   Taheera Pinto (USA/India) & Elizabeth Samperio (USA)
Taheera is American, originally from India. She moved to Brazil with her husband Vijay and their lovely daughter. Taheera did an exceptional job in her role as President of the club, bringing her leadership skills and incredible energy into the club. She lead by example, enthusiastically promoting INC and making sure all members felt equal and welcome.
* Taheera also served as interim president for the start of 2018

Elizabeth is also American and moved to São Paulo with her husband José and their three children. She served as VP of Welcoming and lived the standard of making each member feel welcome to INC. As a board member, she generously dedicated her time not just to her role but also to helping the club thrive.

2016:   Agnes Alhassani (USA)
Agnes is from Puerto Rico this was her second time in Brazil with her husband Sam. Since joining INC, Agnes has taken on many roles including VP of Welcoming, in which she did exceptional work making new arrivals feel welcome and integrated into the club. She has also served as Advisor to the Board, a role in which she went above and beyond the call of duty to insure the continuity of the club and to boost membership and volunteerism within INC. Agnes was chosen as the recipient of the award in 2013 and now again in 2016, in recognition for her incredible dedication to the club and to welcoming and assisting the International community of SP.

2014 & 2015:   Birgit Wingert Runge (Germany)
Birgit and her husband Frank moved to São Paulo from Germany. She served in many roles in INC, including the Presidency. Birgit was chosen as the recipient of the award in both 2014 and 2015 in recognition for her kindness to the club and to its members, and for her selfless devotion to the club.

2013:   Agnes Alhassani (USA)
* Agnes is a two-time recipient of the Award. See Full text above in 2016.

2012:   Patricia C. de Luna (Brazil) 
Patricia is Brazilian and grew up as an expat in Mexico, the US and the Netherlands. She finally moved to São Paulo where she lives with her husband Carlos. Since moving to the city, she has been an active member of the INC Board. Her first position was as chairperson to the Working Women of International Newcomers in 1996, and has since held many positions on the INC Board including Presidency. During her tenures as President, she was responsible for the turnaround and legal, accounting and financial restructuring of the club with a systematic increase and improvement of educational, social and sporting activities and planning of events, implementation of community projects in local charitable organizations through promotion of volunteerism for social integration and awareness of the members of the organization, as well as learning opportunities for children within assisted organizations, resulting in wider visibility for the organizations. She was also active in planning and coordination of events to raise funds for building renovations for charitable organizations and to meet the needs of these institutions through participation and sponsorship from multinational companies. Patricia was also the original founder of the INC Past Presidents Award and was chosen as the recipient of the award in 2012 in recognition for exceptional and selfless dedication in welcoming and assisting the International community of SP.  
* Patricia was later elected to the presidency again in 2015 and 2016.

:   Martha Christina Sheridan (USA) 
Chris and her husband Paul are from New York and were here in Brazil for the second time. On her first time in São Paulo, Chris was already an active member of the INC Board. She played a huge role in the 2008 Masquerade Ball, a gala event that allowed INC and CIS (formerly CIWS) to raise over R$30 thousand for charity projects, including a halfway home for children battling cancer, INC's selected project that year. During the Sheridan's second term in São Paulo, Chris took on the role of VP of Events - and what a busy time we had! She also played a large role in putting together the INC's 50th Anniversary Gala, held a the Hípica Santo Amaro in April 2011 which raised money for several charity projects, namely the Salvation Army, Criança Brasil and Arte e Luz da Rua. Chris ended her year at INC stepping up to the role of President, when our standing president moved away. During both terms, Chris has shared her incomparable energy, friendship and love for INC in a way that has touched the lives of many of its members.

INC Special Lifetime Award

The “INC Special Lifetime Award” shall granted to a special individual, in recognition for exceptional and selfless contrinutions to the International Newcomers' Club of São Paulo.  

It was instated in 2016, by the INC Board of Directors, with the following objectives:  

1. To acknowledge exceptional and ongoing contributions by an INC Member to the International Newcomers’ Club of São Paulo. 

2. To value long-time Members over the age of 65, who have made contributions to the club.  

3. To establish standards of excellence for contributions by members of the international community of São Paulo;  

4. To encourage ongoing volunteer efforts with the International Newcomers’ Club of São Paulo.  

INC Member may nominate a fellow member for this award at any time. The INC Board of Directors shall then review all submissions and shall select the person to be awarded this INC honor. 

INC Special Lifetime Award Recipients

:   Galina Sheetikoff
Galina was granted the INC Special Lifetime Award in 2016 for her years of generous contributions to the club. Galina is an accomplished artist, who has continually supported INC Bazaars. Her paintings have been a part of exhibits around the world and have been featured many times on the covers of INC DICAS books. 